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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Top 3 Successful Weight Loss Tips (Permanently)

Top 3 Successful Weight Loss Tips (Permanently)

Top 3 Successful Weight Loss Tips (Permanently)

Healthy eating for weight loss is not about becoming unrealistically thin or starving yourself from the foods you love. Rather, it is about living your life with freedom. Freedom from the emotional toll that being overweight has burdened you with, freedom from the diets, freedom to have more energy and freedom to feel optimal health at every level.

We are all different and we all have different stories. But the one connecting point we all do share is our emotions. Emotions run the gamut when it comes to food. But most who struggle with their weight, not only wrestle with proper food choices, and exercise integration, but struggle with the emotional component in their relationship with food.

So in order to create success with your weight loss, you want to integrate the following very important, life-changing weight loss tips:

Tip One: Change Your Mindset

The foundation of all success stems from a deep conviction to change our life. Most people focus on the word "CAN'T." Instead, take out the 't and focus on the word "CAN." You CAN create the kind of life you want for yourself.

Did you know that the most successful people in the world share a common characteristic? They are tenacious. They persist until they have achieved their goal, even when they feel like quitting. You must believe that you hold the power to do anything that you set your mind to. 

When you feel like giving up - ask yourself if there isn't something else you can do. Can I put more effort into making my weight loss goals a reality? Have I tried another strategy? Will quitting help me accomplish my goals? Remember that trials will come, difficulties will arise, and you will want to quit. Reject all thoughts of failure. 

Tomorrow is another day and as long as you get back on the horse, you will succeed...because you are tenacious.

Tip Two: Change Your Diet

This does not mean you need to eat less food - not far from it. Instead, you need to consume fewer calories. With smart choices, this is very doable. The key is to choose nutrient-dense foods only, foods that allow you to eat larger portion sizes but that are delicious and allow you to eat fewer calories.

 These foods include whole fruits and vegetables, and whole grains (complex carbohydrates) such as oats, whole wheat, and brown rice. Choose lean protein and healthy fats as well. Include lean protein with every meal and snack to stabilize your blood sugar. This will help prevent hunger, cravings, and poor food choices.

It is vital that you eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar makes you fat. Excess sugar affects every single organ in the body - including the liver. The liver is where sugar is stored in the form of glucose. Eventually, if sugar is consumed every day, your liver will be unable to store the excess sugar which is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. 

Guess where those fatty acids are stored? They are stored in the most inactive areas: The buttocks, the breasts, the thighs, etc.

Stay away from fast foods, processed foods, sugar (desserts, sodas, candy, etc), white rice (including rice cakes), white flour products, and margarine. These foods wreak havoc on the body in many ways!
Hydrate! Drinking adequate water is one important tenet of weight loss. 

For example, two studies (Boshmann M, StienigerJ. 2003) found that drinking 500 ml of water, increased metabolic rate by 30% in both men and women. The increase was observed 1o minute after the consumption of water and the metabolic increase was sustained for over an hour! 

They attributed this to the increased metabolic action of room-temperature water warming up to body temperature.
To determine how much water you need each day, take your weight, and divide it by two. The result is the number of ounces you need each day. Remember that larger people need more water, climate conditions warrant more as well as activity level.

Tip Three: Change Your Environment

You are a product of your environment. Place yourself in an environment or situation that will create weight loss success for you. That means looking at your refrigerator, cupboards, nightstand, car, and office desk for foods that will prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. Dispose of all those 'foods' that do not serve you in your weight management or optimal health goals.

Use smaller plates, bowls, and cups. This will help you serve smaller portions. They make your portions appear larger. Leave the table as soon as you are done eating. The longer you sit at the table, the more you will eat. If you are hungry later, you can have a small healthy snack. Ensure your environment contains elements that contribute to your success.

Commit to NOT eating in front of the TV. Do not have the TV around you when eating or snacking - either leave the room or move the TV.

Cravings will happen, so again, change your environment. When a craving strikes, when you want to reach for food - Create a Diversion. First acknowledge that yes, I do want that food because I am lonely, sad, angry, etc. 

Then take a walk, call a friend, go for a ride in the car, play with your children, read a book, try deep breathing - anything to divert your attention from the food until the urge to eat passes.
Your health and quality of life depend upon your actions, your continual focus, and...your tenacity.

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